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Carissa Gets Networking

This past year I made a decision in my life to become more involved at Carleton University. I decided to begin my involvement with my academic faculty, the Sprott School of Business. I am a second year Bachelor of Commerce student with a concentration in Accounting. I am the Alumni Night Director for the Sprott Accounting Student Association and this past week I assisted and participated at the annual Wine and Cheese networking event that was held at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa. This was a key networking event for students to meet with recruiters and professionals from over 12 different designations and firms of all sizes.

Being in second year, I was focused on looking for a summer cooperative term with an accounting firm and extra practise with networking, specifically getting to know individuals in my field of study. I could not have been more pleased with my experience of meeting recruiters, professionals and other students who all had such a huge impact on the success of the night. This is just the beginning of networking for me and I plan on participating in as many events as possible throughout the next three years at Carleton. - Carissa, Theta


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