Winter Recruitment 2012
What a success! The first two weeks of January were a blast thanks to all of the lovely ladies who participated in our Winter Recruitment.
The week was kicked off by our “Rugged Loggers & Sexy Joggers” themed mixer with Acacia fraternity which brought out a fancy crew of sexy (male) joggers and rugged (female) loggers…not much to my surprise. There was a HUGE turnout and we all partied the night away with some of the bros that we love the most! Although it was below ten degrees that night, everyone made it to the party and home safe. It’s so cold here!
The next event was the first ever “Pretty in Pink” themed CHIXER MIXER with the wonderful sisters of Kappa Zeta Psi. Yes, girls in differing organizations do consort with each other! The Kappa Zeta Psi girls were a huge support to us during greek O’s and we were more than enthusiastic to accept their invite to party together. It seems that we now have what seems to be a ‘sister’ organization. Cool, eh? Let’s just say that the night started and ended with a lot of dancing and singing to songs by Kelly Clarkson, Nicki Minaj and Britney Spears. Total girlfest.
The following Saturday we got together at Carleton and wrote letters as part of a movement with Amnesty International, pleading justice for cases of unfair prosecution and violence across the globe. Over 50 letters were sent! Whether these make a difference or not, we have over 50 girls who are now aware of the issues going on outside of our little university bubble. Who knows, maybe we’ve inspired someone to take an even bigger stand.
The last weekend of our rush period was kicked off by our annual “Blacklight Blackout” themed mixer with Kappa Sigma fraternity. This party, as usual, was off the hook. Glow sticks, glow paint, black lights, white tanks, stacks of couches to dance on, games everywhere and people having a down right good time all around. Thank you boys.
Our final event was the “Winter Wonderland” sisterhood. Essentially, we reverted back to our 10 year old selves and played in the snow. Tag. Remember that game? Well, we do too, and we helped remind anyone who didn’t remember. Hot chocolate after was an absolute necessity and so we we gathered and bonded while our frozen bodies thawed :)
Thank you girls for coming out!
10 bids were accepted and pinning will be taking place this week. Welcome and congrats to the coming Zeta pledge class of Alpha Pi Phi!